My entourage

I have been back and forth between here and Oklahoma a few times now. My Grandson, Laughter here on OD, definitely knows me now. We have been to the lake and gone swimming. The Babe won best of show in the k – 12 watercolor category  at the Ouchito  Art feastival. Chuck got a raise at work just in time for us not to hurt so much financially over the summer while I am not getting paid. I have picked up some tutoring now that I am done traveling for a little while. 

I guess the best thing going on right now though is that The Babe and I, when our feet land at home, have had so much more time to do things together. I am so enjoying her company. We are doing school together and her reading is improving. We also took everything she owned out of her bedroom, put it in the living room and began making piles. She is so much more grown up now about possessions. She was able to let go of a lot of stuff that was just cluttering her floor and making her room chaotic.  Now it is practically impossible to mess up her room. This is no theory. It has been tested by a two and four year old team!llllllll

Lo lo, Laughter’s four year old big sister, reminds me of Shirley Temple. I mean; hands on her hips, dimple toting attitude! I love her dearly. She is very indepentdant and wants to, "Do it myself!"

Nest month I will be watching my now two month old granddaughter for a week while my other daughter goes to California for continued education.Very excited and only a little nervous about that. Lol! She is breastfed so she is going to be sadly disappointed! 

We all went out to eat at Olive Garden a few nights ago. Both my girls and SIL’s and their little broods. I don’t think I could tell you the highlight of my evening because it was all pretty great, but my favorite highlight was taking the girls to the restroom.  First The Babe, nearly 9 years old had to go. She was very grown up and confident and found it by herself.The Bunny, Knickers rour year old started the chorus though, by announcing that she had to go potty. Her mom, arms full of infant looked to me but I was already on it. When Lady Bug, nearly three and in the process of potty training realized what was happening she grabbed the opportunity to show her own potty prowess. Not to be left out, Lo lo was added to the procession. Knickers made a joke about how the whole girls, going to the bathroom all at the same time begins very early.

Thankfully, all stalls had just been cleared and The Babe was among the smiling audience of hand washers. 

I checked the first stall, "Bunny, you go in this stalll."

I check the second stall, "Lo lo, this one is clean, you can go in there."

Bunny, "Googy, I  don’t want this one!."

As I turn to answer her, after getting Lo lo to shut her stalll door and checking the next stall for Lady Bug, Lady Bug proceeds into the doorway of the stall purposfully pulling down her undies for all to see. The laughing eyes and friendly smile of a mom across the room made me smile and laugh outloud as I threw my hans a little ways into the air. I follow the younges to get her situatied and soon have a small chorus of, "Googy, I need help, the flusher scares me." and " a warning from Lo lo, just in case I was thinking of offering her assistance, "I can do it myself!" The B(sorry, I am now typing blind) The Babe was there to  help them all reach to wash their hands.  From the time we left the table until the time we got back the three of them never stopped talking.  They organized hand holding, navigated strangers legs and stared at everything all around them with a constant chattering. But Lainey put the icing on the cake when we got back to our table and loudly and proudly announced ,"The pee comed out!!


 In Sandy soil I plant this seed, If even only I do heed.


In death is life; won’t be denied, grown by tears of sorrow cried.


The truth is harsh, the babes are dead, I’ll hold mine closer in their stea


It’s all I have and know to do. I don’t admit those lives are through.


I will not waste this plot of land, it will not wither ‘neath my hand.


Come here my Love, look in my eyes,


Do you know how dear you are to me….?

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June 24, 2013

Hahahah! This is so funny! I am always amused at how little kids are just fascinated by bathrooms in stores and restaurants. Doesn’t matter if they have to “go” or not, they just HAVE to check out the bathroom!

June 24, 2013

I’ve never heard such a good toilet excursion! lol I am so glad you have got some visiting in and time with Babe. This is what life is all about!

June 24, 2013

I’m glad to hear about the raise. I thought “Wow, not getting paid over the summer sucks” when you told me that last year…thank God we just divide it over 12, I couldn’t budget that well. Today is pay day!

June 25, 2013

I love the little ones! Working at the preschool was always full of such cute stories. Glad your evening was packed with memories!

June 26, 2013

I agree with Starting Over. So glad to see your name light up again. 🙂

June 27, 2013

never heard of anyone’s highlight at Olive Garden being a trip to the bathroom.. too funny…

June 28, 2013

RYN – the birds in my pics are Dark-eyed Juncos.

June 29, 2013

Missed you!!! Loved the bathroom stories…too funny what those little ones come up with. They sure make life more precious. Glad you’ve gotten to spend time with them! *HUG*