on LOLing, prosebox.

Prosebox, the “go to” when OD sunk years ago, is going away.

I’m laughing because I was sitting and reading the comments (you GOTTA read the comments, they’re often better than the damned story) and, predictably, those who adore prosebox are saying precisely what people like me said years ago when OD shit the bed:  I am not going anywhere else, [insert other site here] sucks, I’m devastated.  

I feel their pain. I never got into it at prosebox.  I wrote something just a bit ago and what I said was, it wasn’t you, prosebox, it was me.  

I’m still laughing because I read someone comparing OD to going back to an ‘abusive spouse’, which I really do understand, except their argument was that OD broke our hearts and left (which is true) and all I’m thinking is:

Isn’t prosebox doing the same thing?  How is one site evil and the other immune? 

Oh, the hilarity of a double standard.  I just laugh.  I read the complaints about open diary. I’m sure they’re true, I really don’t know. I don’t care.  I never wanted a whole lot out of a blog site and this has always worked quite well.  I don’t know what fancy bullshit people want; if OD doesn’t offer it, well, I feel badly.  But I don’t care. I want to write, and I want it to save, and I want to read and leave notes, and I want to be able to download this thing if I need to and that’s about it.

Regardless…I am in an elevated mood because my husband is off fishing.

He shouldn’t be fishing.  He has things to do.  But I don’t care.  He’s out of the house and that’s good.

It also means I should be working on school shit and I can’t motivate myself.  Maybe it’s because I know deep down that this is the swan song to my PhD attempt.  I keep scrapping because…I don’t know.  I’m stupid?  Maybe?  Lost causes?  Who knows.  I don’t know.  I don’t care to examine it.

This week is Easter and I will not see my nephews.  I have no family to spend it with short of my mother.   The whole situation is sick.

So long, prosebox.  For those that cross over, welcome (back?) to open diary.


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March 27, 2018

it is exactly the same thing.  The Prosebox manager is overwhelmed and it has become much more than he wants to handle in his spare time.   It is the same thing.

March 27, 2018

😎 being a web master is time consuming and mentally consuming I get it with Simple at some point he had to just say ‘enough’ I can’t do this anymore wish it wasn’t so but there it is… I am not upset heck we had that site a long ass time longer than I expected! ty for the welcome back thou 🙂

March 27, 2018

I have kind of floated along to wherever the “people” are and definitely don’t get all the hurt feelings and people swearing and hating Bruce/Dan whoever is running the current site.  That stuff is all just background to me… I’m like you, I simply want a place to put my words, leave notes, connect with people.  It really shouldn’t be that complicated!

March 28, 2018

Well said. So much angst. It’s as if we were living in Syria. We have so many reasons to be greatful.

Oh, and welcome back!