Finding my Freedom

Sitting here trying to get out of my mind and embracing the facts of my life, being in a place where all I have is my thoughts and God has been quite and experience. Learning things about myself that I never really took the time to know and coming to terms with who I really am without a partner, friends, family, has been mind blowing to say the least. It was scary at first then it became lonely but now I’m getting use to the fact that its just me and no one else, for the first time in my life I’m ok without a partner I want friends but I’m learning to except the journey that God has me on. Dealing with hurts, depression, frustration, bitterness, anger and pain had almost consumed me, really letting go of my way of doing things has been scary but so necessary. This journey has been a long time coming but I needed every dark day, every depressed day, ugly cry day, angry and frustrated day, giving up day and lazy day, I needed those days to get to the days where I’m absolutely free to be who God purposed and created me to be. Free at last free at last I scream thank God I’m Free from who I had become.

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October 21, 2020

This all sounds like something you had to do to become your own transformation into that proverbial butterfly.  Sometimes it’s the journey but it’s also the revelation at the end of it.

Breakthroughs are awesome.

Welcome!  🙂