I’m so easily distracted today.  When I go to check Facebook, I found almost fifty folks liking the new photo by G.  When I followed a link, I wandered the web for an hour before I woke up.  Peter Knego is taking a voyage in a most famous ship…the MV Astoria.  Once, long, long ago she sank the Andria Doria.   Bruce Peter wrote a new book.  Great French designer dead, airplane crashes, and crops rot as there is no one to pick them.  A new photographer is discovered.  An old one visited.

It’s marvelous where you can go on the internet just following your fingers.

Of course, I should be doing laundry, I should be sewing, and perhaps I should be ripping out the crow that looks like a sea gull.  I’ll do all that in a minute or two…after I get over my distractions.


  • Himself:  He had trouble getting up.
  • Herself:  I was ready to go to the pool but easily gave in to coffee and a book in bed.
  • Reading:  Donna Leon.  I struggle with the Italian thinking.
  • Gratitude’s:  That I feel better.
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March 12, 2018

You are not alone, I sometimes feel like floating in an alternate world when I consume too much information.

March 12, 2018

Love the photo! So glad you are feeling better!