Lists….those pesky things

It’s the holiday season, and I am confronted by lists on lists stapled to lists. It was Carrie’s birthday on Saturday, and that heads my list if I ever make it to my email to write her. I will. Sometime. Somehow….
Saturday night’s party went well though Duck lost his cane and Jay fell asleep here or there. Sunday nights dinner and lights at Ducks went not so well for all but four of the eight didn’t stick around until the lights. The lights on the boats on the bay were lots of fun tho.


Post Office: Am I one of the millions who will mail things this “most busy day of the year” at the post office> My only confession is that I thought I had an extra week to do the last half of my cards. Oh Guilt….and now they are in the corner blue box with hopes they will get to their destination in time.

Bank: I still have last two weeks pay check to deposit in the bank. I can hardly wait until direct deposit is instituted. Oh please may the powers that be hurry this one.

Jewelers: There my engagement ring and the keeper ring sit waiting for me to pick them up. Somehow I bashed a prong on the engagement ring, and not only did I totally lose one tiny garnet in the keeper, I smashed another to powder. Obviously, I should wear nothing but the gold band. Ahhhhhhhhh……….

Grocery Store: Well, on second thought, I don’t think I have to do this. Tonight is my company party. No black tie here…..hamburgers and fries at a local bar whilst watching Monday night football. We will smooze and leave early. Tomorrow night is G’s company party at the Hilton in the valley. Good clothes here, but this will be the last one ever. The new company will probably let the Hilton account go in a cost saving measure. I just found out about this one, so I need to do an invite kind of thing to the G’kid but tell them food is served at seven. That’s way to late for a family party when we get up at four. They will probably offer a polite no too. Wednesday night at home, Thursday and Friday out, then Saturday and Sunday we have small dinners with light tours here. I think I will just wait to get food on Saturday morning. Oy! Pant, pant.

Laundry: It’s in.

Walk: Half done. One mile down another in waiting.

Wrap G’s presents for his employees……but where are they. I hate to call him on a busy Monday morning.

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I like your company’s idea of a holiday party!

December 15, 2003

Yeah, I want to go to your company party. Ours isn’t having much of one, something here given with our new office mates in these enforced new still-under-construction surroundings of ours. I still have most of my cards to mail. Oh well. Hug.

December 15, 2003

Hi there you! I’m a list person also…keeps me semi-organized…LOL Have a wonderful holiday and a great time at both parties… Hugs & love,

Still haven’t done my cards, but I’m going to finish them tonight. Honest!

December 15, 2003

Just take time to breathe every now and then! And keep walking-you’re doing better than me in that department. xoxo

Hehehe, usually you could scare me with all this writing of lists .. but not today. Nope. I’m knocking things off those lists like crazy today! Must be the Christmas spirit or something : ) Hugs & Smiles

Groaning, just seen something on your list I forgot to put on mine! Take care of you 🙂 Warm hugs

December 15, 2003

Was this THE day? Poor Bonnie Rose, I hope she survived. I have a handful of the card stragglers, and some packages to get off. Tomorrow, on my way to coffee with a friend.

December 16, 2003

Do your lists act like spider plants and keep sprouting new additions? Mine do. Have a nice day.

December 16, 2003

Lists are a must here. Sounds like a fun-filled time for all. Enjoy… Smiles…..

December 19, 2003

I was at the post office this past Wednesday and Thursday, wasn’t too bad. Perhaps the closer to Christmas the more it’ll thin out. I still have a few cards to send but luckily no more pkgs. Tuesday afternoon daughter was at the Hilton in Mission Valley attending a shareholders meeting. Something to do with her business honors class at SDSU~