The Meanest Girl


My husband has to be one of the pansiest people I know. He works nights so every morning, when the babies wake up wanting their first bottle of the day, I text him. It seems like everyday there is a new illness. Our minions just got over a cold (which was hellacious, two 8 month olds with difficult breathing…rough) He’s been pretty sure he’s getting a cold at least 4 times, he thought he had a kidney stone possibly starting to pass, he has insomnia and is always bitching about never getting enough sleep, and there is always a muscle or back problem… Like bruh, welcome to your 30s. Shit is gonna go downhill, pick your poison (ibuprofen or Aleve) and man the fuck up. Our babies did a better job of holding themselves together. Has motherhood turned me into a mean girl or is this guy just really fucking whiny? 🤔

Thanks for the notes! I was shocked when I got back on and saw I had comments, quite the welcoming back party!!!!


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December 10, 2019

This is totally my husband as well! He has literally told me the words, “I have a cold, I could die”.  He got pissed when I told him that wasn’t likely. Us women are just tougher.

December 10, 2019

@devildoll girl, yes!!!! I survived on like an hour of sleep a day for the first 4 months of the twins lives. He only gets 5 hrs of sleep and he thinks he’s on deaths door. Man colds are a whole new realm of hell!!

December 10, 2019

I think it’s a man thing. My ex husband was the same way!

December 10, 2019

@itsjennywrenagain bruh… thanks for the friend request btw!!!

December 10, 2019

Tell him it only gets worse from here! 🙂

December 10, 2019

@thediarymaster yeah, for all of us!!! We gotta survive the whining!! 🤣

December 10, 2019

my husband is slightly a baby when he gets sick too.

December 10, 2019

@kaliko just slightly? Lucky!!!!

December 10, 2019

Beh, men are “the strong” ones, and women “the weak” ones… and men may control the world, but WOMEN CONTROL MEN.  The day they can pass a baby through their urethra THEN they can claim superiority. End of story.

The minions (lol) sound adorable <3

December 10, 2019

@thenerve yessssss!!!!!!! And we generally smell better and take better care of ourselves. Dudes… lol

They are pretty precious, I took a photo of us in the baby fort for my next entry. Lol