Petty Bitch

I was doing okay yesterday until Douche Bag dropped the baby off. It’s like seeing him steam rolls everything all over again. After he left I began my petty little texting games again.

I guess I am giving myself a pass on adult behavior for awhile. I am all pregnant raging hormones and yes, it does make me feel better.


Remember how you swore on our son’s life that you were telling the truth only to fucking lie some more?

Piece of shit

I am sure there is a lot of other things you “conveniently forgot” to tell me.

As I said, there is nothing left of this relationship. You need to give me half the money we saved while we were together for the house.

You were a waste of fucking time.

How could you be so fucking stupid that they don’t realize that when they cheat, you will ruin your relationship? And if you ruin your relationship, your kid is caught in tge middle? Are you really THAT fucking stupid?


20 minutes later


Nothing to say like usual.

Some day, I will find a fucking decent guy who is not an insecure whore. When he and I buy a house and live with your children and live the fucking life you threw away, I guess then it will feel fair.

So congratulations on being the biggest piece of shit. You sure “got even” with the affair that didn’t even fucking happen.

Your prize is living with B who lives your fantasy life while you get to watch front row and don’t have anything (a home or family) to fucking show for it.



I am doing what I can to fix it.



Doing you can for what? You can’t fix it.

The last month apart only made me hate your fucking face even more. Every time you whine that I make you feel bad as if my words can even touch how much you betrayed me, every time our child cries because he has to leave, or cries because he misses you, every time I think that *I* was the one who chose a fucking child to try to start a family with and keep choosing the same shitty men over again…



What do you want me to say?



Why?! WHY!? You fucked me over. You fucked my other kids over. You did this to your OWN KIDS. WHY!?



I am going to fix it.



The type of person that sits there and leads a fucking double life, cheating while planning a family, lying for years and can’t even give a valid REASON… is not even human. It is not normal to lack the ability to empathize with other people. To not feel guilt while doing these things. It is not normal to be so selfish that you use people for your own selfish reasons.

You can’t fix this. I would actually have to want to make it work for it to be fixable and there is nothing about what you did that I find forgivable.

What do I want you to say? I want you to say ANYTHING that can finally make me understand why you did this!

Why you would “punish me” for a year and a half for fucking psychotic delusional shit you made up in your head. If you were that certain I cheated, why would you act like things were fine? Why would you go about life like things were normal? Why not go to counseling? Why resent me and decide you need pay back and agree to have another fucking child with me at the same time?



I’m sorry it doesn’t make sense. I can’t tell you anything because you don’t want to hear what I say. It doesn’t matter since you don’t believe me.



When you had the chance to be honest, you lied. You said it was because you were depressed. And then when I caught you with all the other women, you said you needed a pill or something to get rid of your sex drive. And now you say it’s because you were convinced I was cheating? So which story if fucking true?

Do you have problems controlling your sex drive? Or did you do it out of revenge?

And if you really thought I had an affair WITH YOUR BROTHER, how did it not fucking destroy you?

If you are ever at least able to be honest with yourself and with me, it would be a place to start. I don’t ever want you back but it would be easier for the kids.



How would it be easier for the kids.



Somehow I have to learn to accept what you did and it would be easier if I was able to fucking actually understand it.



It told you why, you just don’t want to believe it.



So you are sticking with the story that you led me on for over a year to get revenge on me for something you fucking made up. You want to say that you cheated on me because you are fucking delusional? That is what you want to stick with?



That is not what I said. That is what you decided to believe.



So, you were “certain” that I cheated, even though you had NO evidence and NO reason to think I was not honest.

Delusion: A belief that is held despite evidence to the contrary

So yes, that IS your story.  Although suddenly now you believe me and want to make it work. Go figure. It almost as if it is a fucking CONVENIENT EXCUSE for being a shit human being.

If you were so certain that I cheated, how did you live day to day with him in your home?

Why did you let him come back to live with us again?




I bottled it all up.



Why punish me and not say shit to him?



He is drinking and can’t keep a job. It was just a matter of time before karma caught up to him.



Good to know. I will be sure to let your brothers know that in the future, you are a fucking cuckhold and they can fuck your girl any time they want and you won’t do shit about it.



Why do you say shit like that?



You said you cheated because you “honestly believed” I cheated with your brother, and you don’t even confront him? In fact, you let him come back to live with us? You invite him back into your home to fuck your girlfriend again? Are you SURE this is the story you plan to stick with?




And today, after more of the same line if questioning…



I just bottled all that shit up until I waa full of hate anf jealousy.



Good to know. At least that I fucking understand. You hated me and fucked me over, tried to buy a house I couldn’t afford and get a revenge pregnancy to get even.

You didnt care about the kids who you hurt in the process.


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