A message

Whether we know it or not we are receiving messages and gifts every single day from higher power. Whether or not you want to colorguard, spirit, the universe, we are all receiving messages to guide us on this path.

I’ve learned to be constantly intuitively aware and have keen senses in order to not miss anything.

The other day when I was sick my sister and her fiancé went out to dinner so I was alone. I was scrolling through Netflix when there was a knock at the door and when I opened I was greeted by a whole group of Christmas carolers! It filled my heart with joy. When I was young my family workouts go carol for our neighbors and I never really understood how much they appreciated it until that moment. It really was special.

Today I had another gift and a message. As I was pumping gas for my truck I noticed an older homely looking man get out of his car and walk towards the vending machine that was outside of the gas station. He was African American with long braided hair and a shabby appearance. He was not unattractive and I could tell he would clean up nice if he wanted to.

We met eyes and I smiled, then looked away. He then said “Miss? You are very beautiful!” I smiled again and said “Thank you!” He then asked out of nowhere “Do you sing?” I was so surprised. “As a matter of fact I do! How did you know!?”

He strolled over and I didn’t mind at all as I was now curious and wanted to talk to this man. He also didn’t seem slimy or weird or dangerous in any way so I welcome’d the approach. The man said “I don’t normally do this, and I promise you I’m not a weirdo, but I’m a sensitive and the moment I got out of my car I could feel this powerful energy and thought naw it couldn’t he coming from this little girl over here, but sure enough it was!” He continued, “You have so much creativity all around you and as a musical person myself I recognized that! Do you happen to write?”

”I keep a journal, but I wouldn’t say I’m a writer. You’re so right about that musical creativity though! My whole family is musical!”

”No kiddin!? Well if you don’t write you should because I’m getting that you are wise and a very nurturing person. You’re on this earth to spread wisdom and love and people will listen to you. They will easily receive it from someone like you. Whenever you’re just thinking you sound write it down. Not in your phone, on a paper.”

” Okay I will! I’ll take that to heart! Also I’m not surprised that you feel all of that because I’m an energy healer and a sensitive as well. Sir, thank you for seeing me and being have enough to approach me and share your heart. I needed to hear this today, so thank you.”

I gave him a hug and then he said “ Ket me give you my number! If you ever have time I’d love to collaborate with you on something! I normally do hip hop, but we can figure it out!” I got his name ( Ahmalik ) , put it in my phone and told him I f I had any spare time I’d be in touch. Then we both said our goodbyes and as I was getting in my truck I heard him shout “Don’t forget! Write!” I yelled “I won’t!” And waved.

I sat in my car for a minute and thought about what just happened. My heart was pounding and I felt so much love. A complete stranger had  recognized my soul. He had completely seen me and expressed his appreciation for who I was. It felt amazing. A year ago I was a different person. I would not have seen another soul, another person on their life path. No, I would have judged and assumed he was dangerous or had anterior motives for talking to me and would not made myself approachable to this man. I would have been frightened and uncomfortable if he had come near.

I thought again about what he said. This C was a message sent to me through this man. Probably from my spiritual guides. But what am I supposed to write? Maybe it’s my guides trying to tell me that they are channeling messages to me through my thoughts and if I write more then I’ll be able to better receive their messages. I’m not sure. Either way I plan to take this seriously.

Alright time for bed. Goodnight!

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