hannah’s health tips

Yesterday I caved in to my cravings and picked up a large cheese and pineapple pizza from pizza hut and I started eating it in the car on the way home. People were starring at me at the stop lights, looking at me sitting there with this huge open box next to me while I was chowing down, but I didn’t care. Nom nom nom. Soooo good.

I still have 3 pieces left in the fridge. People say "Omg she eats like that and stays so skinny." Um…. it’s because I only allow myself to splurge or cheat every few months. It’s not part of my eating habits. Plus, I work out a lot. So there ya go people. No need to diet. Just cut as many carbs as you can, get off of red meat, eat more fish and veggies, go gluten free with as many products as you can, and follow two simple rule :stop eating when you are full, be disciplined.

That combined with just a 20 minute workout each day will keep you fit and you will lose weight. Then you can eat pizza or cake or ice cream when you have that major craving. You MUST allow yourself to cheat. It’s one of lifes pleasures. I eat pizza every 2 to 3 months, if I get a pint of ice cream I eat 2 spoon fulls one day, maybe two days later ill have two more spoon fulls. That’s what I mean by discipline.

A lot of people don’t know this, surprisingly, but everyone has some sort of allergic reaction to gluten because it’s in everything. Also, gluten turns into sugar which turns into fat because the body takes so long to digest it. 

As many as 75% of overweight and obese people in the U.S. may be addicted through poor eating habits to either carbohydrates or the protein called gluten, which is found in all wheat, rye, barley and oat products.

Like any addiction, these cravings are unhealthy and problematic. They take the form of either an irresistible craving for carbohydrate-rich foods such as desserts, candies and junk food, or gluten products like breakfast cereals, breads and pasta.

Carbohydrate-rich foods make up a large part of the modern-day diet and include bagels, cakes, chocolate, cookies, crackers, pastry, fruit and fruit juice, ice cream, potato chips, potatoes, pretzels, rice, pie, popcorn and sugar-sweetened beverages. In addition, carbohydrate "act-a-likes" such as sugar substitutes, alcoholic beverages and monosodium glutamate may trigger intense, recurring carbohydrate cravings, which can lead to excess weight and obesity.

Proteins such as gluten result in the production of substances that can have addictive, narcotic-like effects. These substances are called "exorphins." Hydrolyzed wheat gluten, for example, has been found to prolong intestinal transit time and may contribute to weight gain. The effects of exorphins on the brain tell a person to keep eating gluten products, which, in turn, could contribute to the mental disturbances and appetite disorders that routinely accompany food-related illnesses.

Many food "addicts" are right to suspect there is a physical reason that makes them crave carbohydrates and put weight on easily. But the underlying cause of their struggles often goes undiagnosed and untreated by the medical profession.

if you would like to read more go to
source : weight.insulitelabs.com/Addiction.php

Seriously people. ive only had pasta 5 times this year, potatoes only 3 times, and i dont remember the last time i had a french fry. Just by making those small changes i could work out less and still maintain my natural weight. The funny thing is, once you stop eating junk food and your body goes through the withdrawal period (the hardest part), if you try to eat it again, you feel sick because you are used to eating what is good for you. Pretty interesting. I can’t even drink a pepsi or coke anymore. I take a few sips and feel horrible. You gotta stay away from sugary drinks. People make the mistake of thinking that if they eat healthy they can just drink whatever, when in fact, most of your calorie intake and fat gain can come from drinks. Sugar=fat. Remember that.

Here are some super fat burning foods that you can say yes to whenever!

1. Eggs- protein and very filling!  I find that if I eat eggs in the morning I don’t feel hungry til much later.

2. Cinnamon-Research shows that a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon, eaten with food, helps metabolize sugars more effectively and lower the body’s blood sugar levels. This is helpful because high blood sugar levels and excess sugar in the blood can lead to fat storage.

3. Dark Chocolate -Dark chocolate—and other foods high in antioxidants—may help prevent the accumulation of fat cells in the body, a precursor to heart disease and obesity. You should get 70% cocao or more when buying it.

4. Avacado – Avocado contains monounsaturated fat which will help in boosting your metabolism, potassium, and is rich in other vitamins and minerals all important to burn fat and tone muscle.

There are many many more. You can just google super foods, or fat burning foods and find the lists and info you need!

I swear by this haha. Also, for those of you who want quick results and don’t want to go to the gym, I recommend Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. It’s a daily 20 minute workout that will absolutely work every part of your body and it guarantees that if you stick to it while eating healthy that you can lose 20 lbs in 30 days. I just do it to keep in shape and because it’s a quick workout that will do more for me than an hour at the gym. LOVE IT.

Okay well I guess that’s all! Love peace and chicken grease!

Hanny Bo Banny <3

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October 3, 2011

A little splurge every now and then is a good thing…

October 4, 2011

Yes I was there for that lifetime too. It sank to the ocean after the ice age. You know there are pyramids off the coast of Cuba. The pyramids were a source of energy but also helped in the collapse of the Atlantis. Think of the Bermuda Triangle and the Dragon’s Tail

October 4, 2011

I am a first soul. There very first of twelve. This is why I ask. This is suppose to be a time when all twelve first souls are here. This is why I am. I am a descendant from Mercury.

October 6, 2011

Yes I remembered from my child. It started with once I heard about Atlantis from a television series. I asked my parents a lot of questions about it and they said it was a myth. I didn’t believe it. I become obsessed with Atlantis and Nostrodamus at the age of nine.

October 13, 2011

the reason for the first souls is to restor order, first and for most. The higher beings places our spirits in charge when things go wrong. Our species is still in childhood delevopement. We have actually regressed instead of progressed. It is the Day of Mars and we are fixing to go into the day of Mercury.

October 14, 2011

I think we are going to see something like we did when atlantis came. There are many scenerios right now but it could be a multiple of them. Interesting. I have been waiting for more of the other souls. I thought I was the first to arrive but it seems as if I was the last. My energy comes from Mercury. Where does your parents energy come from?