Oh my lord!!!!!! Oh happy day! Oh joyous occasion! 

One of my best girl friends of many years ( and also my brothers girlfriend of over 3 years) Ali , called me to say that she had some news and whatever I do, to not scream.

My heart stopped and I asked

"…Are you engaged!?"

She said


Yeah. I screamed all right.
Couldn’t help it!

Then came the congratulations and the laughter and  as soon as she put my brother on the phone the tears started coming.


He laughed


He said yeah. and I said congratulations and  I couldnt stop saying how happy I was and how crazy it was.

I have no idea why, but Jonah being engaged feels so much more weird than when Rachel got engaged. 
Maybe it’s because he’s my twin? I don’t know. I just got this feeling that our lives just changed again forever. There was this big shift!

My brother was now going to be a husband! Ali will be my sister! When they get married she will be Mrs. Spool! 


It’s also funny because we have the same middle names! Jonah’s and mine is Li and Ali’s is Lee but they sound the same so it will be

Jonah Li Spool and Ali Lee Spool.


Man…it’s so crazy how much is changing. Rachel is married and now Jonah is engaged. It makes me feel so old for some reason….old in the sense that we are all growing up and getting hitched. Like… when I get married it will be like filling in that last piece of that puzzle, and then moving on to a new one.

That won’t be for a long ass time though I guarantee it! I am taking my time! I don’t care if I am still single at 35, I am never settling for less!

But oh my gosh ah! I am so happy for them 🙂

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March 8, 2011

Hey haven’t heard from you in ages and congratualtions on your brother and your best friend. 🙂 I am so happy for them. 🙂 SO how are u these days?

March 8, 2011

Aweeeeeeee. Thats SO cute!

March 9, 2011


March 9, 2011

congrats to them!! So exciting 🙂

March 9, 2011

That’s awesome!

March 10, 2011

Actually, I will be keeping my last name. I am the only one in my family who will be marrying and the name will die out. 🙁 It is a personal choice I decided on years ago and your brother is fine with it. Also since I want to maybe get my doctorate I want to have my name still! I will be Charnell-Spool. But if we have kids they will just be Spools.

March 10, 2011

Lols thank you and it was inspired by a girl and I’m glad to hear you’re aright and lols to refresh your memory we were talking about acting and u showed me ur resume as an example for me to create my own.

March 10, 2011

i read your last note and wrote an entry as a response because it was too much for one note. i think at least.

March 12, 2011

It did lots thank you. 🙂

March 13, 2011

Good for you, DON”T SETTLE. Have faith and patience, girlie. Congrats! This is wonderful news. I wish them the best. 🙂 Marriage is a gift.