Pracs, Sacs, and Prayers

I had a huge as SAC today in Theatre Studies over the production of Waiting For Godot. It was four questions, one hour. They gave us eight sheets of blank paper. Who in the name of all things bright and beautiful can write eight pages of analyzation material in an hour??? Probably quite a few people but I certainly don’t know any of them. I wrote four pages, one per question. I didn’t do a lot of study. How do you study a production? You see it once, you have the playscript, but you can’t review a second time to catch the small details. It’s beyond frustrating; it’s absolutely maddening.

Speaking of SACS, I have another one tomorrow, this one in Revolutions. I have a lot of review to do tonight. Usually, cramming at the last second helps me immensely. I just have to read through some content. The Russian Revolution. I’m sorry, y’all, but I find the RussRev nothing short of boring. It’s three mini-revs in one and quite honestly, I prefer the American Revolution. Then again, I am American. I guess I’m kinda sorta biased.

Aaron’s been having financial issues of late. Apparently, he’s having difficulty finding a job and by the time his mom finishes paying the rent on their apartment, there’s hardly any money left for everyday purchases like food and gas. They’re in the process of moving in with his aunt. I’ve been praying for them and I ask anyone who’s reading this to pray for them also.

My dearest friend, Morgan, has been hurt badly today. Her love (and her life) broke up with her. She’s in complete shambles on her birthday and I feel quite deeply for her. I wish I were there for her. I’d bake her a cake, get her a gift, and take her to see a movie. I hate seeing Morg upset; it tears me to pieces inside. I pray to God today that he’ll bless her with a sweet, understanding love that will take care of her for the rest of her life. Pray for her for me; she deserves to be loved more than anyone else I know.

So, if you are reading this, Morgan, be strong. Be strong, my dear friend.

Praying for you,


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