More Poetry to Save

This is not really a REAL entry… I just wanted to post a few more poems I’ve written so they’re safe in case my computer crashes again!


And God said,
“I will put enmity between you and the snake…”
and me and the roach,
and, of course, the mosquito,
the spider, the ant, the mouse, rat and wasp..

These are the things that I’ve learned to hate
as I venture out to the freshly mowed lawn
and the well-pruned green bushes
that hide all these stalkers.

I have my Raid, and I have my DEET
Ah, so much to loathe
that sting, bite, and crawl

Did God really create
this world that we worship?
Even those icky things
slimy and small?

Perhaps most repulsive
much worse than the leech
or the earwig or silverfish,
housefly or mouse
is me with my spray
chasing after these things
with a heart full of fear
when they get in my house.



Giraffe, so bless’d, a creature way above
the trials of life down here, among the low.
Serene, with eyes, reflecting heaven’s love
You once were special to a girl I know.

You seem to float aloft and unaware
of things that may be nipping at your heel.
And though your face appears as if you care
are you like me and swallow what you feel?

For when he crept into my little room
and slid his hands beneath my frilly sheet.
I longed to be just like you, in my gloom,
to have my head so distant from my feet.

To have a neck that takes me to the sky
Where clouds and blue envelope thoughts and mind.
Divorcing pain, so desperate was I,
Giraffe, I dreamed that I could be your kind.

And now, no longer trapped and so abused
An unfair penance does my lover pay.
Oh, dear giraffe, I am no longer used
yet, still I send my body far away.



The Master took a jigsaw and put it to our lives
a curve here, a straight-edge there
so that we can’t tell which way is up
and where things fit or don’t into our hearts

It takes more than one life to solve this thing
This puzzle, maze, these sections that are us
but as we age, much more falls into place
until we have a corner, a border, or a face

But still remains, one hole, one empty spot
and if our God is good and if He’s there
perhaps He’ll fill that hollow with His piece
when we last close our eyes and take that
final breath of air.



I really do want you…
but have one more thing to do
important tasks to tend to
and then I’ll come to bed

I’m feeling it, baby
just hang on one moment
there’s dishes to do
and the dog to be fed

You know I love you
and think you’re so sexy
but first I must shower
don’t take me like this

And soon you are sleeping
relieved that you gave up
I crawl under covers
and give you a kiss.
The Season

My breath goes out before me
and my cheeks burn with the kiss
of the northern as it blows
and covers all with white

what was muddy now is clean
what was simple has been gilded
by the ice that sparkles twinkling
diamond solid on the trees

and the crust of snow gives way
with a crunch and quiet echo
as I make my mark upon this path
and smile at what seems new

‘Tis the season, Lord, I feel it
in this glorious perfection
that we celebrate your coming
and we turn our hearts to you.
The Pool

What an invitation
your rocking, soothing arms
And you twinkle at us
Like a Norman Rockwell picture
little legs jump in and pop up
and are suddenly encompassed
by the pleasure of their lightness
as they wiggle and they plunge
and they flip and flop around

Then like chocolate
silken women
stretch their limbs out
while the men watch
hidden eyes behind two mirrors
so the wife won’t be suspicious
even though the wife is looking
as she silently remembers
how it once felt to be young

Laughter echoes
as the clouds race
past the sun and on their way
make certain rhythms with the heat
that toasts your body
as you soak in rays and droplets
and an ecstacy untold

Who’d have thought
a cement hole
could have ever
been this fun!

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I can relate to the incest one. RYN: I suppose if Christ hadn’t organized a church, it would be easy for me to not accept organized religion. But he did anciently. And I believe the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is led by Christ through his prophet on the earth today. No more perfect than Moses or Abraham but a spokesman none the less. We may fail but Christ doesn’t.