More thoughts…

Life is weird. My emotions tumble around as if they’re in a spin dryer. Sometimes things seems so beautiful, it’s painful. Other times, I can’t believe how horrible the world is. I guess I also feel like a sort of survivor’s guilt. My life actually IS pretty wonderful, but so many around me have very difficult, even tragic lives. I’ve had to struggle and I’ve had to put up with some pretty nasty behavior from a few folks in my time, but ultimately, my life is wonderful now. I spoke to a client today who has lost two children and whose granddaughter committed suicide. It’s difficult to even fathom how she could have borne the pain of all that. Two of our clients had sons die this year, one took his own life, the other was murdered. And, of course, we’ve had a few die of Covid. Sometimes I get scared wondering when the shoe is going to fall on me and my family.

But for now, we have few problems, no real ones.

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Yeah, well… you could be stuck with two Covid patients…. like I am. 😮

May 20, 2022

I had to read this post twice to take it all in… Suicide is the worst thing you can do to punish those close to you. I also had a friend who took his onw life…

May 20, 2022

Anyway, its god to hear your life is wonderful. I sometimes have that same feeling too ad it feels great!!!