What does one write?

What does one write when they are as boring as me?  I just don’t have any good stories in my life (and I’m just as glad.  I would prefer no drama.)  I don’t really wanna go back and start complaining about my childhood.  Both my parents are dead now and I’ve made peace with their flaws… plus, by this time, I’ve unremembered their issues and it’s only unpleasant when my mind is pricked by some of the bad things.  I prefer to just remember the good… at least about my mother.  It’s tougher with my father.  Sometimes I don’t remember a lot of good about him but not anything horribly bad,.. like on a -10 to +10 scale, I remember him as like a -2.  Cold, sort of disconnected, unfriendly and unloving.  My mother always told us he loved us, that’s how I knew.  I think that’s why I have God issues sometimes as well.  Jesus loves me, this I know, cuz the Bible tells me so.  Just like my mother told me my dad loves me.  Sort of removed and impersonal.  It has taken me years to begin to see that Jesus is not also removed and impersonal – always ready to criticize and condemn, be disappointed in me and let me know that I’m just not quite enough.

So, see?  Here I went and did it… complained about my childhood.  I wonder how many of us don’t have complaints.  I know some.  But I also wonder if those some actually SHOULD have complaints.  I’ve seen some people talk great game about their parents but then when they start in with details you can hear how dysfunctional their families were so I’m thinking that every family is dysfunctional in its own way.  Sometimes, though, maybe there are SOME dysfunctions that aren’t so bad.  And maybe certain personalities actually do BETTER in a slightly dysfunctional household depending upon the type of dysfunction.  Just sayin’  But no family is perfect.  No people are perfect so, obviously, no set of parents is going to have it down pat.  That everybody doesn’t complain is just a testimony to those who have endurance, patience, tolerance and more maturity than me 😉

So, the theme for this week is what is your greatest strength.  I’m not sure about that.  I could list off a whole slew of weaknesses.  I’ll have to think about any strengths.  That’s really annoying.  I know I must have some.

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April 18, 2018

I love taking photos when I am bored 🙂

April 18, 2018

The best way to get writing is to talk about what you don’t want to write about. It doesn’t always work, but as you can see, sometimes it really opens things up. Thanks for sharing.

April 18, 2018

Right now I can’t find any strengths Your are right no family is perfect Unfortunately mine scrapped the bottom of the barrel.When you have been repeatedly beaten to an inch of your life (for no good reason I know of ) its hard to get past.Now my therapist is trying to dig even deeper and thats getting too much even for me.I’m sure you have strengths Faith can be a great strength but that was knocked out of me as well. Anyway keep writing.You will find your strengths.

April 18, 2018

Oh, I have many complaints about my childhood.  Parents screwed me up good.  As an adult thought you would think I would make whatever changes were necessary to un-screw me.  Ha!  Anyway, just my 2 cents. 🙂

April 19, 2018

I’ve learned all families are dysfunctional in some way. I think maybe forgiveness is one of your strengths.

April 19, 2018

I always find something to write about. I’m a boring old lady too. Not drama for me. But even at times when I have seemingly nothing to get off my chest I’ll write. And I always feel a little lighter after I’m done.

June 28, 2019

I love the way you write…

Maybe it is dysfunctional, maybe it is melancholy, but it is something we all share make life worth living.


August 2, 2019

Boring? I think not. When are you coming back to write some more?