“You wanna just give up?

He gazed into her blood-stained eyes, saying,

“Yes, I know you love me. But it is no longer sustainable.”

“Huh? What? Are you comparing our love to a business arrangement?”

“Well, don’t cha think that profits and losses enters the equation of love, of a community?”

“So, your saying that our love is too expensive?” “I don’t know what the truth is.”

“So, you wants us to part now, and merrily go on our way. Just be thankful for all of the memories and just give up?”

“Hmn …. that does sound kind of heartless, doesn’t it? I think that I’m just feeling very dizzy. Forgive me for being so nonsensical.”

“I don’t know. I don’t think that I can let you off that easily!”

“Well, what will it take to win your heart?”

“Hmn… I’ll think of something. In the meantime, I need your special touch, right now…” now…”

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