Catching up – April 24th, 2021

Hey folks,

This’ll be super brief. Semester is coming to a close and I’m putting most of my time into projects and school things, so.

In brief – the return to smoking plan continues apace.

This was my last Saturday night in the Lounge unless the smoking goes away again and… yeah. I’m not expecting that. Sunday night will be my last Sunday night in the Lounge.

No Mondays – because as of this week, those are gone already.

I’ll have next Friday in the lounge as well, and then… that’s it. I’ll be at the service bar every other Saturday night, and… maybe help out with banquet bars now and then as it’s a non-smoking part of the casino.


Very mixed feelings. I suspect my stress levels from work are going to drop a lot, stress levels from personal finance perspectives will rise.

We shall see.


At any rate – things look stable enough that I’ll be able to do a post-semester decompress once finals are over. Take care of needed appointments, work on some jigsaw puzzles and models, little mini-vacation, and generally just take a breath before I dive back into work, and try to bulk up some money for the next semester.


Anyway. Saturday was just me as our other ‘tender called in. Given its general slowness level that was okay, and… money was all right I suppose under the circumstances.


Take it easy, folks.


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