Saturday – June 2nd, 2012 {SB}

To account for the past few days, let me briefly just quote Mel Brooks:

“Politics, Politics, Politics, Politics, POLitics!”


That covers it, really.


Saturday night was slow but steady, our overall population in the casino hindered by all the beautiful weather we’d had going outside. Can’t blame ’em, really.  Apart from one of our cocktail girls getting a wild hair up her arse about the break schedule and being unable to let go of the issue for the entire goddamned night, it was all right, I suppose.


No nastiness from people, no real jackasses.  Just a quiet night t the bar, and the Stanley Cup playoffs on the TV behind me.  I did run into one guy from where I grew up, basically. That was kind of cool.


Otherwise, eh. It was a night.


Closing Observations:

  • Serious as a heart attack, the above cocktail girl? One of those people you don’t ever,  ever, ever ask ‘How are you?’ ‘cuz she -will- tell you, at great length, whether you care to hear it or not.
  • Outdoor concert series is nearly upon us. I wonder if they’d consider it a ‘pattern’ if I just called in sick for each and every one of them.


Next up : Monday night

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June 4, 2012

Sounds like a pattern to me! :p The thing about those people is that eventually, they start telling you without you asking. Just try to look busy.