The new religion

A week went by. I was thrown out of the house by my mother, spent 5 days in a hotel, then I was admitted again at home. But I do not want to dwell in those painful things right now. I actually spent five wonderful days on my own, working a lot on projects that needed to be worked on, and I had a lot of time to think about what I really believe in.

I am a loner. I dislike company. I only like the company of my demons, so that I needed to assess what my demons are made of. They are not a product of my fantasy. Psychiatrists use to say I hear and see them because I am psychotic, but at the moment I have no sign of psychosis; I am very well balanced, I have no hallucinations, I can focus very well on study and work, and I manage my daily routine with high efficiency.

There is no God in the christian sense of the term. God is the “being”, “the one who is”. Well, such a “being” is highly incomplete. Everything in the universe has two dimensions: space and time. So, a “being” and a “becoming”. This is not only ageing, there might be entities who do not age with time passing, but still become with time passing: older, even if unaffected by time. The Christian God is just “being”, therefore just space, therefore not acceptable as a divinity reigning above a universe which is made of space and time.

Jesus. I believe he was a Master, and he is an allegory of mankind. He was born a poor man, gathered unlucky people, spread a message of love and forgiveness and he was an idealist. He believed to be the Son of God, a God that ultimately abandoned Him on the Cross because he does not really exist in the way we think he exists. There is no God looking down from Heaven if we are good or bad guys. We are all daughters and sons of the Universe. An endless Universe, a endless realm of space and time. Everything is and everything becomes. Many things Jesus did as miracles can be understood as allegories: for instance, the multiplying of the bread and the fishes. He did not multiply them, he shared them: this is to warn us that if we have a piece of bread, we can choose to eat it alone or to save another person from famine by sharing our bread with him or her.

What about us. We are unique. Everyone of us is. And there is an endless number of creatures. I suppose that what happens every single day is what happens in life after death. Every day we go to sleep, and we wake up again the next day. We die for a couple of hours, and then we are born in the next day. I think that I believe that this is what happens: the never-ending circle. We die, we rest for the time of a life, and then we come back again. Because we “are”, so that we cannot stop “being”; but we “become”, so that we can live, and die, and live, and die again.

My demons. I think that they are people resting and waiting to live again. I sense them, in the same way as everybody could sense them.

As far as my ethical feelings are concerned, I believe in the principle of the Maat, taken from the ancient Egyptian religion: Order, Truth and Justice. I will leave it for another entry to explain what they mean to me.

With that being said, in a short and straight way, I am going to rest until I wake up tomorrow.

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December 2, 2018

I’ll be very interested to hear about Maat. That is a new one on me.

December 2, 2018

I too am interested to hear about Maat.I’m glad you had that respite from your mother. She can’t manage without you thats plain- but your time will come and she will be gone one of these days and your life will be filled with new experiences.Thats my wish for you this Christmas.