Interview Pt. 2

Dear Diary,

Winter sucks! Brrr….I hope Spring comes quickly.

Today, I had my second interview. It went very well. I sincerely hope I get one of the open positions. I know that I’ll probably be the one with less experience in this particular position, but you gotta start somewhere, right? I am a quick learner, always have been, so I am not too worried on that front. Besides, I did get experience in school. *Fingers crossed*, Diary!

Today, I also did something extremely hard for someone like me. Eye contact and talking about my feelings and having those difficult talks are not part of my norm and they definitely do not come easily for me. Usually I have to be provoked. However, I initiated a Talk with my boss. It was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do since working this job. It had to be done, and I am so thankful I did it. I felt so much better after the Talk with my boss. I felt like a HUGENORMEOUS weight was lifted off my shoulders. I know my boss was pretty surprised, but she was very understanding and saw my point of view and ever apologized (and I do believe it was a sincere apology). I felt so great after leaving her office and returning to work. My coworker, who knew I’d be having the talk and saw how anxious I had become, but still encouraged me, praised me fore doing it. I know this doesn’t seem like such a big deal, but for someone with my past and upbringing, it was the world. I probably won’t do it again anytime soon, but I am glad to have mustered up enough courage to do so. I foresee some changes happening at work as well due to it, which will be beneficial on my part, along with my coworker’s.

Alright, Diary, time to make dinner. Thanks for listening.

Your Friend,

That Girl

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