You think you have time.

He could feel each syllibant collapsing on his flesh as she spoke and the warm drop of tears glistening on her cheeks. Her voice filled a room where once there was but silence and his breathe as the night spun hours away until dawn thieved the darkness again. Daylight and purpose filled the waking hour and he toiled tirelessly no matter the detail because it would let him not think.
Not think about her.
It was difficult to not close his eyes and remember her own in the blackness of his mind. How the sound of her voice crafted his name and made it seem more important than he truly was. She gave him something that no sword or spell or tavern girl ever could.  She filled his heart in a way which he never expected and that moment when it hit him it bruised him beautifully and his soul would never let him forget her.
He sat up and the small pouch slid behind his red locks and he looked on at her frail form. She needed rest and sustenance but more importantly she needed him.
“I’m not sure how this all is but perhaps in time you can tell me what you remember, but for now just having you here alive is more than I could’ve ever prayed for.”
He squeezed her hand softly and looked on, his senses at war within him trying to figure how she returned or sadly how long this mirage or dream would last
Don’t let me wake up yet. I need more time
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