Notes from Sorrow

Today its been 7 days since found out that She once again Cheated on me.
I’ve been dealing with trust issues with her since the last time (about 4 yrs ago). My thoughts are confused i think i am getting used to her doing this and somehow i just dont care as much.

I feel like I should just go back with her because of the kids, I think I just dont know what it is to have a relationship where one person is fully committed to another. Is this a bad thing? Im ready to move on, I want to date again if any but I just too confused.

I just want to know what it is to have a person other than my kids that loves me and desires me as a man

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November 20, 2018

In an ideal relationship, being fully committed and faithful is a given!

November 21, 2018

They say never stay in a relationship for the kids…so do what’s best for you.

December 3, 2018

I’m sorry that you found this out that she cheated on you, again.

I agree with everyone else, you need to do what’s best for you. The best relationships involve two people who are committed and faithful to one another. I’m sure one day you will find that.