Thursday may 12 2022

up at  8.30 am. 8.54 am   to  9.32 am   iTunes  .  9. 40 am to 10 30 am  online .  10 40 am to   12 00 pm to get free  Launch at st. Patrick,s church today was a sandwich.  1.00 pm to 1.40 pm some reading  . 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm General Hospital. 3.00 pm to 4.40  pm more reading. 600 pm to 7.00 pm supper had plan hot dogs. 700pm to 11. 32 pm  NHL  Hockey .  did not yesterday my post got deleted again that’s  2  times what happened when I  want to post a photo the photo did not load when clicked back the post got deleted.


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