Aggravation and Melancholy

Aaah, I was so happy things have been going so well, and I may be making something out of nothing, but Brad really upset me yesterday.
I got off work at 6pm and was told my Gail (girlfriend) that he had to go to work early. I called to make sure he got there okay, and kept getting weird messages from him that were vague. I called the duty post he was working at, and the lady told me he wasn’t due until 11pm. So, I called and asked what he was doing. He refused my calls, texted excuses, and basically lied to me for eight hours. He was late to work on top of all that.
Okay, I am not a controlling person, but I h have a hard and fast rule; if you are going somewhere, text or call so I know how to contact you This is an absolute with me, no excuses, but it is a rule Brad flouts continuously.
On Monday, his boss, who is my part-time boss, told me he was going to release Brad due to no call/no shows, chronic lateness, sloppy appearance and sleeping on the job. I actually went to bat for him and got Will to give him another chance. Brad is buying a pickup truck from Will (I was against the idea, he had my extra pickup to drive) and Will was ready to repossess it due to late payments and no insurance. So, I told him I would cover the insurance for a month or so and make Brad catch up the late payments ASAP.
The return for my efforts is that he lied to me about where he was and whatever he was up to.
I know he3 is twenty years old, but he is living with me, rent free, and not paying what few bills he does have. He makes $12.00 and hour, with only a $200.00 truck note, $50.00 cell phone, and insurance to worry about. Somehow, he never has the money.
On top of this, he still has unpaid traffic tickets, and now arrest warrants, hasn’t followed up on college registration, and has now been accused of having sex with two underage girls, one of whom now claims she is pregnant. OMG!
Every time I think he is going to do better, he finds new ways to sabotage himself, and then turns to me to save the day. Now it looks as though I have a sex offender for a son. I’m just beside myself. He is blaming the girls for lying about their age. Whatever, he is the “adult” in the situation. If he had taken the time to actually know who he was with, it would not have happened even once, much less twice. So now I’ve had very angry parents on my doorstep not once but twice. Too much coincidence for me.
So, I’ve told him that it’s time for him to go. He’s making all kinds of excuses as to why none of it is his fault. It’s all other people setting him up for failure or just circumstances beyond his control.
I, on the other hand, have come to the conclusion that, as the old saying goes, “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink” applies here. I have counseled, advised, browbeat and begged this child to try to get him to behave and get his life in order, all to no apparent avail. So, now it’s time to cut the cord and set him out in the world on his own. He will either have to fly or fall all on his on from that point on. I have given him until the end of this month to find an apartment, and his behavior in the meantime must be exemplary. If there is ANYTHING that causes a raised eyebrow on my part, he is out, then and there.
This decision quite frankly breaks my heart. Even in the midst of anger and dismay, I love my son. I wouldn’t know how to stop even if I wanted to. His behavior is too self destructive however for me to continue to support him and allow him free reign to act in the ways that he does. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers. I am at peace with this for the most part, but that doesn’t make it easy to do. There are just some problems Dad can’t fix for you, and I refuse to be an enabler.

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January 9, 2014

I feel for you, big hugs

January 9, 2014

I feel for you, big hugs

January 9, 2014

Aww no 🙁 that’s really heart breaking! I thought he was turning his life around. *hugs* – signed I always read never note :/

January 10, 2014

I hear you on this one, and still find myself having to heed this lesson with my own son more often than I care to think about.

January 11, 2014

It’s a very difficult thing to do, but as you say, if you let him treat you like this you’re an “enabler” and he’ll take advantage of you. He’s twenty and has to learn to stand on his own two feet and learn from his mistakes without having somebody to bail him out.