Need to get busy living.

I found myself this weekend not wanting to get out of bed.  I wasn’t tired or sick.  Just wanted to stay under the covers until the day passed me by.  My mind tells me I have no reason to be depressed.  I just got back from a trip of a lifetime with my mother for work.  I went to Germany, Netherlands, France, and Switzerland.  Yet, I still couldn’t pull myself out from under the covers.  It takes every strength I have to get up on Monday and Today.  I need to figure it out and get to living.  You are with getting busy dying or getting busy living.  I don’t want to be that person that is getting busy dying.

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December 21, 2021

I think some depression and feelings of happiness can co-exist simultaneously. I have been battling a deep depression for about two weeks, but had a solid 24 hour period of laughter and joy.