Ozone Meetings

Meeting folks in the ozone is not like meeting folks in reality…it is easier to meet folks here, but you have no idea who you have met….you just think you know the individual…and as long as the meeting stays on OD you have no reason to doubt the reality…but once you move from the ozone to reality you may have lots to doubt…I like to think we are all who we say we are or at least our conversations are about real folk and real experiences, but guess we can never be for sure who is lurking in the ozone…….smiling

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July 11, 2004

Sometimes you never really know in real life either, but have to take somethings at face value.

July 11, 2004

In real life you have a face and a body to view and the ability to just know if the person is GOOD or Not, in the ozone you have the written word to view…that is a power full way of dealing with who you are talking with but you need all of your senses to tell you if the person is real or not….smiling

No pinching to see if folks are real or not. :o)