30 Days: Day 20

Day 20 – Your definition of love

Hmmm…what a question indeed. 

(What love means in general to me) Expressing a passion for someone/something that makes you want to put them before yourself. You feel a strong emotion when that person is hurt/sad/angry/happy. You share a bond that is strong then those of people you happen to meet along your day. 

(What it means to me as personal relationship) Love to me is knowing that no matter what happens in the future you could never bare being away from the person you’re with. You have more disagreements then actual fights. You can talk through things without feeling they may judge you because of the things you say. It is being able to go through low time and high times without thinking life would be better without them. It’s putting yourself on the side when your other half is not well; doing whatever it takes to make them comfortable. It’s about losing the shame we carry with us every day and just let go being the person you really are. It’s being able to have a conversation without saying a world. It’s know when to comfort before the actual sadness sets in. It’s going out of your way to make that person know they mean the world to you. It’s the touch that sends shock waves through your body every time they touch you; no matter how long you have been with this people the feeling never leaves. It’s having an understanding of their needs and wants; supporting them and pushing them to their best. It is allow them to step onto your path of life and walk beside you without kick them down. It’s the inside jokes that no one will ever understand and will never grow old. 

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