30 Days: Day 23

  Day 23 – A letter to someone. Anyone.


We have our disagreements and our ups and downs but I will never stop loving you. You mean more to me then the world will ever know. I may not be a cuddly or never love showing person but know that my heart melts every time I look into your eyes or feel your skin against mine. Feeling of your body against mine while we cuddle till we fall asleep is the thing I enjoy the most of my days. When we got to bed upset and we lay apart; mostly because I can be such a baby, I crave your touch and your arms around me. Yes; I hate a lot of the things that you do but every thing else about you makes it okay. I can’t wait till the day we actually start planning our wedding, move into our own place and discuss a family. I look forward to growing old with you and experiencing every thing life has to offer us together. No matter what I may say when I am depressed, mad or in rage please don’t ever think for a moment that I don’t love you.

I love you and I will never stop loving you

Yours Always


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September 4, 2012

What a nice letter 🙂