….but she’s only 5!!

Why is it that my daughter and I fight every morning?? And in the evening time, when I get her from school, she has to cry at least once before we get home; and that can be for just about anything.

This is a typical morning.

I struggle to get out of bed, praying that my son doesn’t get up.

Brush teeth, wash face and body, get clothes.

Up to wake up Butta.

Five minutes go by before she actually stirs from all the loud “wake up Butta”‘s and tickling and what not. Then I have to sit in the bathroom with her or she will leave and lay down in my mothers bed and fall the hell asleep. (What the……..???)

She will stand and cry, and I ask her maybe 6 times what’s wrong. Then I guess; she has to pee. I proceed to yell, then why don’t you say something instead of just standing there. I hate yelling.

Then comes the struggle to put on her clothes. Why does it take her 10 minutes a piece to put her shoes on and tie them up?? Enough said.

I am the most patient person in the world, but it take a child the age of 5 to set me off. I love my baby girl. Wouldn’t trade her……..well, I’ll take that back. Let’s just say that I would trade her attitude about certain things.

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…and there it is. But keep in mind that ‘Nora is YOUR daughter. You are not a morning person either and I know for fact you hit on a regular basis.

Mornings are hell when you are on a deadline. My daugher is 8 and we still stuggle to get out the door on time. I have never seen anyone as pokey as she is…Man!!! *hugs*

Er – this doesn’t quite make your case on kids. Ha ha. Just kidding. Thanks for your entry.

My wife daycares in our home. I know what you mean.. Peace and grace Blacknfree

At that age I call them BIG BAD & BUSY. I was teasing a 3yr girl about watching some older kids and she told me real slowly, “I ain’t their mother, and I ain’t their father, and I ain’t watching them.