E-man is just fine

Update on the house thing.

The case on my house has been closed. I thanked God in all ways possible and I will be going to church this Sunday. I took E-man to the doctor to get another bloodtest (for lead) and I got a letter back from his doctors office and get this: He is now lead free. I was so happy that I just bowed my head right then and there and and gave thanks. My little guy is growing. God is he growing.

He and I have been through a lot together, even before he was born. We both had fevers and lost weight when I was pregnant with him and I had the flu. I was happy to the point of real tears of joy when I found out he was a boy. I really wanted a boy. He is my sweet baby. Bad as all get out but he is sweet. Lately, he has been giving kisses at random. I love my daughter but she’s a brat sometimes. I try to shower her with the love and attention that I show my son, but she acts as though she doesn’t want to be bothered. Then when I pay Evan a little too much attention, she get’s pissed and wants to cuddle up in my lap like a baby, even resorting to baby talk.

That’s a hard part of being a single parent. You have to show your children that you love both of them, no one more or less than the other. But when one acts hateful and bratty and the other is as sweet as pie, how can you do that. I walk a very thin line, but I think I do a pretty good job. Butta and I baked cookies for her school bake sale. It was fun, then tiredness set in and she started acting like a little ass, so I sent her to bed. Wasn’t gone three minutes, went to her room and guess who was sleep?? Uh-huh.

But I love them both. Making sure I tell them both every day. I cherish my children.

But they won’t be with me when I go to Puerto Rico!!! Hey, I may be a mom, but I am single woman first. 🙂

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You are such an inspiration! I really do love you, Reba. Isn’t funny how you’ve been mothering my ass for years. You didn’t think I noticed, didya?

You’ll Love Puerto Rico, you gotta go this time you deserve it!!