Dear God…
Please make this crazy bitch go away.
Please stop making her feel the need to hurt me every time she is scared or insecure or just plain pissed off.
Please let her lose my fucking number.
Please stop making her think she owns the movie rights to my life or that she deserves to know my innermost feelings.
Bitch, you got what your wicked little heart wanted yet it’s still not enough for you to GO AWAY. I do not want to be in your club. I do not want to hear about your life with my ex lover. You got what you wanted but you still want to see me hurt and suffer and I really wish I knew a way to make you disappear for good.
Maybe God will hear my prayer and you will step out in front of a moving bus today.
If not, a good case of herpes will suffice.
I have to admit, I chucked there at the end when you said “If not, a good case of herpes will suffice” because I have felt this way!!
I did go back and read some back story to all this. And I myself thinks she liked/likes you. And it honestly sounds like a similar situation I have been in.
I’m a year clean from that Man! And Happy with myself again!!
@butterfly1924 well, I hope your tormentor stepped in front of a bus, or is currently unable to sit in a chair without pain.
And I write about it often, because this is the only forum I have to talk about it, so thank you for reading.
@kaleidoscope-eyes Yes indeed! I had open diary YEARS ago… and i just found it again late last month. I love it here! Met my best friend of 22 years now on here! Never hold back! Im glad i ran across your post!
@butterfly1924 lol, I had an old open diary with hundreds of entries… I could not reclaim it because I couldn’t remember the password from so long ago. Open diary is cheaper than a therapist. Cheers!
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