If you ever get annoyed look at me I’m self employed

Going back to work was the best decision I’ve made in years.

Just as I predicted, within fifteen minutes of entering the shop, I was halfway through a haircut and my resting heart rate was normal for the first time in what seemed like forever. It felt like I took a Xanax. Only I didn’t.

An hour in, it was as if I had never stepped away from my barber chair.

I have not been hugged in weeks. But, yesterday renewed my faith in good men. Some of my old clients jumped right in the chair after greeting me with a welcome back and a heartfelt embrace. A few times, I cried.

The shop owner, who over the years has always been my friend and co-worker, told me after we closed the shop that I am the best person to work with her and that she feels I add a great deal to her business. Then she said she was thrilled and grateful that I finally agreed to the job offer she’s been extending to me for the last 15 years.

We hugged and giggled about how two old broads can still pound out a shop full of haircuts.

Then she handed me 120.00 and told me to keep my tips, which amounted to 43.00.

I opened my mouth to protest and she said…

“Take it. And understand that you’re worth it.”

I put the money in my pocket and swept up my hair and left for home.

On the way there, I contemplated how it would feel to work 8 hours instead of 4.

Looks like I won’t have to wonder for long because today, she asked me to work Monday, tomorrow, from open to close.

I’m scared and excited all at the same time and for the first time in a long time, I feel happy about something.

Standing at the current crossroad in my life has brought about the realization that every time I need to dig in and dig myself out of despair, I turn to my shears and clippers.

They have saved me before and they will save me again.

Behind that chair, I will find the sexy confidence I’ve misplaced as of late. Behind that chair, I will find the soul I sold to feel loved and wanted.

Behind that chair, I will do for myself what I did before…I’ll save enough money to rent a house to live in before I file for a divorce from my husband.

I just hope my aging body can hold up as long as my spirit can.





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