
“Smile, you damn beautiful soul. Its’ light spreads and makes the starseeds shine.”


To my darling husband (soon to be or not) ,

Currently, I am young but I lay with you.  You are up on the bed, you have a clipboard in hand, colored pens and are coloring.

Earlier, today, you and I connected in a new way.  We both agreed, deeply and soulfully that not having one of our parents, though alive and well, not give us what we ever wanted and needed the most: their attention, love, affection and emotional support and it was probably the most difficult part of our lives we had to deal with.

We both went in our lives on rebellious paths.  You a bully and a drug addict , me, someone mysterious, quiet and not wishing for any interference with social interaction because it was better for me.

My love, I waited for two years and another four months , only to be kept in your arms. Only to be embraced by your warmth.

After such a long time, you came into my life. I am blessed because , always I have said “God has perfect timing.”

Yet, two souls, I could not fathom us ever being together like we are right now, in these beautiful moments.

I keep saying I want to be your wife.  Let me just say, I had no idea, that for years, you were in the shadows. That you were there and we were both waiting for that kind of love to enter our lives.

Here we are, in love.  I know what caused me to love and care about you this much.

Yet, I never knew …

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