
That’s her up there… um… I will be posting another Tik Tok video maybe later today.. it might be a vlog or another Bees extravaganza. She is my favorite subject after all. I take a lot of photos and vids of her.

Today after our hotdog lunch, we are headed to the 404 Plaza and getting some stuff from Dollarama, and relaxing at Tim’s. And after that, I may play the Sims.

I have to do computer maintenance right now…


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July 31, 2021

I hope you get everything done and hello to Bees!!

July 31, 2021

@novembercirese I did. 😀

July 31, 2021

Sammy, I am a bit jealous of your Saturday. That sounds like a really nice day.

July 31, 2021

@heffay Aww… 🙂 💖💖💖