Just Snapchat pic

Just your average day, and your not so average Sammy. My sciatica is slowly stfu, thank god. We are having chicken fingers (didn’t know they had them *rimshot*) and salad for lunch. And I believe pot pies and some sides for dinner.

I am not up to much. I think I will get an Android tablet this November — a Huawei media pad. I’m getting hungry so.. I will let you go..

sammy 😘

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August 4, 2021

I love your flower 😀! I’m glad the sciatica is better. Lunch & dinner sound good.

August 4, 2021

@sunshinelollipops  TY 😀 Yeah, it’s still there but it’s not screaming like it was this morning… ty they were good.

August 4, 2021

The flower is festive!!  And yeah, sciatica is one of the levels of Hell for sure.

August 4, 2021

@novembercirese TY 😀 And yupp.. back aches are hell.