Kitty…. (random subject line filler)

No kitties were harmed in this entry… we don’t really have cats..

Why not? Because a resident named Jotee despises them. She is very afraid of cats. Any mention or sighting of one or whatever she goes into a tizzy. Shame though… I quite fancy them.

Today was the usual Friday, bath, group therapy, good stuff like that. Bees and I went to the local convenience mart-Pik Qwik for some munchies and something to drink. Bees opted for coffee and I a Diet Pepsi, right now I am drinking water.

Tomorrow is computer maintenance day for moi. I am going to play the Sims 4 soon.

Sammy xoxo

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June 18, 2021

But you still have dogs, yes?

June 19, 2021

@heffay oh yeah. We have Ollie, Eddie and Boo.

June 19, 2021

Can’t you keep a kitty in your room, away from everyone else?  I know I would try.  I can’t IMAGINE my life without my boys.

June 19, 2021

@novembercirese Nah against code I reckon.

June 19, 2021

I love  cats

June 19, 2021

@ihavenoarms as do i.