Richard Marx and a hot early summer’s night..

I have been literally listening to Richard Marx all day long.. the same song over and over. 😮 What do you make of that?
I had a good but slightly boring Sunday. Watched a bit of Youtube in the morning on my Switch, til I fell asleep until lunch and Bees came home shortly after that… then we ordered Timmy’s and just chillaxed the rest of the day.
It’s Hell week once again.. joy.
Ah well.. thanks Eve. /sarcasm
I am going to bed soon. Bees will get me an eclair tomorrow. I need fucking chocolate. 🙁
Sammy xoxo
Chocolate solves everything!
@darkmadonna 😀
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Aren’t you diabetic and aren’t chocolate eclairs mostly sugar?? Hmmm. PLEASE take care of yourself!!
@novembercirese I know. 🙁 I will.
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