Silent Sam

Drew and I spoke last night.  For hours.  And hours.  And hours.

Like 6 hours.

And I don’t know that we are on the same page still.  I think we are in these ways:

-I came at him in a way that could have been more mature

-his boundary of stopping when he says “I do not consent” was not clear when he continues to engage in our convo.

-I breached his boundary by Facebooking him and emailing him

-He was especially vulnerable when I approached him, but I could not have known

-Blocking was an extreme reaction

-We both have a right to take space if we need it

-He displays overt dominance in conversations

-There is not clean space for unformed thoughts


We are not on the same page in these ways:

-I do not think blocking is an appropriate tool

-I think texting is dangerous


We called today because he said it was really shitty that I sent screenshots to our friends.  But I hadn’t.  This has come up momentarily in our hours-long conversation yesterday.  And he filled in the gaps.  And then was blaming me for not having expanded yesterday.



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