Therapy, physical and otherwise

All I can say is, don’t get old, it’s a trap

I have had some recurring shoulder pain for a long time. I thought it was just sleeping wrong, but it’s called ‘bicep tendinitis’ and nothing I do, exercises or otherwise, seem to help it.  What makes it worse is that since it hurts so much, I can’t fully do the exercises to get stronger.  Might be time to get that shot too.  At least until I can gain my strength back

And, after x-rays showed severe arthritis in my knee, and two shots later, PT has helped immensely. Went there today and she checked my strength and it appears the exercises are working.  Pain is minimal and the muscles in the back of my knee seem to not hurt as much.  I am way too young for a knee replacement!

Going to PT has definitely kept me aware of my posture and how I do things and move. I am over 6 feet tall, and unlike a lot of tall women, I hold my posture but I have noticed I have started to roll my shoulders more.  Since PT, and having to pinch my shoulder blades for some of these exercises, I am aware of how I am sitting and holding myself

Thanks to my knee, and adjusting how I walk, I noticed some nerve issues on my right leg. I got an x-ray of my lower back, and sure enough, arthritis and disk degeneration.  Just like mom apparently.  I am going to a back care class and will probably go to PT for that too.

Admittedly, I know I need to move more, be more active, get to the gym, do more yoga, etc. but I just haven’t had the energy. In fact, have been feeling really blue for quite some time.

Of course, thinking of the last time I had really worked out and paid attention to my body, I got my ass cancer diagnosis, there’s a little bit of hesitance there too.

So I made the call to Kaiser Mental health to talk with someone. Why does everything have to be such a process?

Call to make an appointment, was told that the triage team needed to call me. They finally did (3 days later, but I was told 48-72 hours so that tracks) and we talked briefly and now I have another phone appt. next week. I am just glad that I am not in serious need of some counseling or else I would have gone off the rails by now!

I have a lot to unpack for sure. I am hoping that use all the tools that I have tried over the years and to get some new ones

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November 5, 2019

sorry about the pain but I have noticed with myself that things are starting not to work the same as they once did…..I think we need to blame out parents for this one….it’s their fault.

November 5, 2019

@jaythesmartone 100% agree on that one!  My mother had both knees replaced and oddly enough had spine surgery for you guessed it, disk degeneration which caused nerve issues