Tread lightly

Someone commented in one of the groups that I follow on Facebook, that people are ‘just trying to find things to be mad about’ and ‘why can’t they just be happy’

This gave me pause. I like to think I am a progressive thinker and try to see things from all sides and everyone’s perspective. I treat others the way THEY want to be treated (the Platinum rule) and yet these days there are so many things that can trip you up, that never used to be an issue

Admittedly, I am unskillful, about micro-aggression, about immigration, about the proper use of preferred pronouns, about over stepping into people’s personal space (I’m a hugger/touchy-feely sort)

It’s a literal minefield and I can’t help but wonder, did folks just now realize that using someone’s race as an adjective is a micro-aggression? Why didn’t someone say anything before? Did it bother them before and it was suppressed?

Women of a certain age all have experienced some sort of sexual harassment, both at work and in their lives. Heck I know I have, countless times. And yet most wouldn’t even think about filing a lawsuit, that’s just how it was (which is a huge part of the problem, I know). Is my being an affectionate Mama Bear going to make me a target?

I am mindful to the extreme nowadays, for just that reason. People get all up in their feelings and lose the intent of what someone is most likely very innocently trying to say or do

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October 21, 2019

Yes and no. Innocence is not an excuse any more and should not ever have been. I know it hurts to be called out when operating from innocence and good intent. But that’s how we learn, apparently. The hard way.

October 21, 2019

“Intent” has gone out of the window this days. Certainly, if one doesn’t want to be touched, that should be respected, but we are becoming a society of unfeeling people because we can’t give a hug or a pat on the shoulder. We can’t comfort a child or give a congratulatory pat on the back without fear of being accused of something…and if you’re a male, you’re already suspect. As with many changes, the initial reaction is to go too far in the other direction. I’m hoping the pendulum starts to swing back a little and people will realize a kind gesture is, more often than not, just that.

October 21, 2019

@solovoice We could avoid a lot of misunderstanding if we asked before touching.

October 21, 2019

I think everyone should just play nice and get along and if something that is said that is offensive or hurtful then they other person should say so right away.  Then whatever was said will be dealt with and no law suites because who can remember what was said 10 years ago  I have a really hard time remembering what I said 10 minutes ago so how the hell can I remember what I said 10 years ago.  But now adays you need to take what you hear and read with a grain of salt and that is it….

October 21, 2019

@jaythesmartone Great, common sense ideas. Thanks.