California dreamin

Thats actually misleading, California is far to communist for a lil guy like me, but!

All the leaves are brown, and the sky is grey…

Literally happened overnight.

87 degrees on Wednesday, 43 on Wednesday night and BAM 57 for a high on Thursday and the Mikey Meyers in me just popped like Jiffy pop!

i was standing outside the warehouse this morning in rural as hell Indiana watching the sun creep over the horizon, turning the milky black into shades of neon orange and pestle violet when off in the distance, just beyond the sound of a train shunting off into nowhere, i heard the low grumble of the demon within me.
Like a dog slow to wake it stretched its limbs against my ribs and it felt so good. The cold wind blew across my face, little needles of ice, like spiders on my skin and i smiled.
The dim light of my cigarette glowed as the smoke danced in the early morning air, specters of years ill spent fading off into that strange mix of electric blue and dead man grey as morning slunk over us…

OOOH! Gave me goose bumps in places i forgot i had!

I’m gonna get creative soon…

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October 11, 2018

creativity is a good thing…I wish I could create something from my crazy mind…..yes I am a crazy Canadian….

October 12, 2018

@jaythesmartone dont dream it… be it


October 12, 2018

It’s finally feeling like fall here, too!

October 12, 2018

@queenofegypt its raining here and its 47 out. perfect autumn day.