i love a rainy night

the rain is so soothing…

the boys are asleep on the bed…

my elderly teen-aged angst is in the background…

i am drowning my wounded ego in chocolate and baha-blast…

in this rare moment of spiritual clarity i would like to thank all the little people who have helped me along the way, so if you are 5 foot or smaller, thank you… (that too was a joke)…

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November 27, 2019

So sorry, I’m the bigger person; if that makes you ungrateful, so be it, you, ego-murderer.

November 27, 2019

@thenerve you make me smirk…

November 27, 2019

Aww man, I’m 5’10”. 😄

November 27, 2019

Who is under 5′?  Everyone I know is even taller then 5′ except for maybe my aunt who is almost 5′

November 27, 2019

I could go for some chocolate …