All Around Me

It’s currently 5:45 pm. Darryl’s playing games on the Switch. Ville’s in his room, probably watching YouTube videos. Belle is sitting beside me coloring and drinking her juice, and I am sitting at the kitchen table, watching Belle as I play mobile games and type this entry. It’s hot. So very hot. Our A/C is old and has a difficult time keeping up with the heat of the Florida summer. Last year something came loose in it and from September to November we went with no A/C. It was miserable. At least it’s working, but even with half a dozen fans, the house is sitting at 84 degrees. Sigh, the sun will be going down soon and it’ll cool off. All is calm at the moment. That’s all I could really ask for. I do need to go to the store, but that will have to wait until tomorrow. For tonight, I’m just going to sit here, sip my diet Coke, and relax with my family.

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