How am I doing?

I did wake up this morning with the right thought.  Instead of my first thought being an energy drink or even a cup of coffee, my first thought was about a walk to energize.

I took the walk right away, and it was a good idea.  But I also had time to stop at the store, and I had nothing immediately obvious for breakfast food.  That was a quick argument win, I’ll get a donut and energy drink before work.  All too easy.

Saw a ridiculously mean man in rush hour today.  He yelled and swore at me for two blocks because I needed to change lanes in reasonably short notice.  I wish I’d thought to whip out my cell phone and take his picture, as his angry ass drove by!

Work tied up a few loose ends, and that made me feel better.

I just asked myself what would make today perfect.  I decided that one thing would be donating my old suits to Dress for Success (and all other clothing to the local emergency-assistance charity).  I just got times and locations for drop-off after work.

I seem really focused on berry baked goods lately.  Muffins, cakes, breads.  Must find focus on non-food projects!

Weight went up about 10 pounds within the past few weeks.  No idea what changed (besides my exercise and food intake, obviously).  In hindsight, a little work pressure was there.  Romantic inclinations are low, and of course having someone to see your naked body is usually enough motivation for me to eat better.  That shocked me into realizing that the party is over and continuing that way would be detrimental to the work I’ve done over the past year.  I don’t have the luxury of insulating myself away under layers of fat anymore.

Anyway, weight has been creeping down, so now I am only about two pounds heavier than before.  I had to start walking daily again and making sure that each meal I eat isn’t totally unhealthy, and then making sure that my spare time is spent on pursuits in rooms other than the kitchen.

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