Drunk Texts

 lol, yup.  I saw her yesterday due to her god father dying of cancer.  He is a true southern gentleman from old money, and would treat you like an equal.  I’m from South Augusta, so that was an odd feeling.  "I ain’t first class, but I ain’t white trash" a quote to put it best.  So to hear that this man was dying was depressing.  Naturally, I went to see him in the hospital.  She was there.  It was not as awkward as I predicted, and she looked nicer than I expected.  Nice to know some of my work stuck.  Not to be mean or what not, but she was a mess when she first pursued me.  I helped her get her hygiene together (hair care and skin care).  Fast forwarding to the drunk part.  I went down town to meet up with a friend.  He pulled a bitch move and didn’t show, so I got another one down there.  We bar crawled and each texting away.  …guess who I ended up texting.  So, when I invited her down to the bar we were at, "The Loft", she assumed I meant my house.  Damn, if she wasn’t eager.  WTF.  You left me, bitch.  Why so eager?  It’s like when I leave my dogs outside too long in the GA heat.  They are dying to get back into the AC. (spoiled mutts)  If you wanted to be inside so damn bad (in regards to her), you shouldn’t have ever went outside.  I don’t know why but it pisses me off.  I should be glad she was willing, I guess, but no.  I was going to propose in October, then she pulled this shyt.  I can’t trust her anymore.  I still love her, yes, but…

 I was going to propose in April, but the Zoo wouldn’t rent me a penguin and handler onsite at the Zoo.  Long story there, but she likes penguins, and I was planning something super cheesy.  So I decided to do it on the vacation in October I was planning in the mountains.  I now that I have been happier lately and financially stable since she has been gone.  Less stress not cleaning up her messes.  Her idiot status was extremely adorable, but cost me 400-600 $$$ a month.  She had no concept of money, other than to spend it on what she whimsically wanted.  Never paid bills.  That might be why she was so eager.  She wants the money again.  I just figured that out typing this.  Hell, I should post more often, I might finally piece together the rest of my social life, lmao.  Well, I know I can’t date her again.  But should I accept the olive branch and see if its sincere or a trojan horse?  Or just walk away completely?  Serious request for help, btw.


This video always makes me laugh.  Older country song that’s fun to sing along with, and his antics int he video are comedic.

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