Daily Motivation

The sad thing is, nobody ever really knows how much anyone else is hurting.  We could be standing next to somebody who is completely broken and we wouldn’t even know it. ~ Unknown

This right here is why I’ve ALWAYS – even as a very young girl – lived by the motto of being kind to everyone around you. You may think to yourself that you will never see that person again in your life because let’s face it, the world is very big. But remember, the community in which you live in is actually very small. Someone will always know someone and just because you haven’t met or got to know someone today doesn’t mean you won’t tomorrow.

To me the most important thing has always been to make sure that I treat others the way in which I want to be treated. Because lets be real…if you treat someone poorly please don’t expect to be treated anything less. And absolutely don’t complain about it. You only get what you give.

By being kind, understanding, and even maybe going out of your way to make a complete stranger smile could potentially be the best thing that happened to that person be it all day, all week, or all year. You just never know what anyone is fighting within themselves or in their lives so be the type of person you’d like someone to be to you. Be strong enough to be positive for that person next to you. Spread your light & I promise it won’t go unnoticed.

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February 7, 2020

I agree………..but I am different. As you self-describe……..I am an empath………..I am incredibly in tune with my surroundings, the way energy shifts when I am around anyone and everyone…….I am unable to ignore others emotions and thoghts…….I am a digger, a mind worker, an emotion extractor. I am raw and limitless with attempting to let those around me, including patients and their family, including strangers anywhere and everywhere – to let them know that I CARE………..SOMEONE IS LISTENING……….WHAT THE THINK AND FEEL IS VALID…….even if inside I think they are dumb as hell and annoying, I NEVER let them know.


and I call people around me out about behaving in a less thoughtful way. i work in a high stress environment that leads to a lot of people, coworkers mostly, acting irritably overwhelmed and like they are the victim….. I make sure to kindly slip in their ear things like “You know…..you are only the victim if you make it a truth for yourself”