17. Today’s stuff

I did go to bed at a more reasonable hour than I have been lately last night. Todays goal is to hustle!!

my positive for today is… while my daughter might not see it now, I think I’m a cool mom. I’m not a perfect mom and I fuck up a lot, and get burnt out and stressed here and there, but I give my daughter an environment to be herself, Whether that means dying her hair purple or green or letting her know that she’s loved and excepted no matter what as she’s figuring her shit out. I want her to be comfortable in her own skin always, whatever that means for her. I feel like that shouldn’t have to be made into a positive, and that it should be a given, but too many kids come from families where they aren’t accepted for who or what they are, be it their sexuality or gender identity, etc. My daughter knows I’ll always love her and accept her and she has a safe space to be herself at home.

so today’s positive is that.

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October 8, 2021

We ALL fuck up as parents.  ALL of us.  No instruction manual and all that.  But that sounds to me like you’re doing as well as you can with what you have and who you are.  That’s the most positive thing you can do, especially if she DOES feel safe to be herself.  🙂