Life through Half Asleep Eyes

I just realized that I wrote the last entry half asleep. Ha! Today I get the $40 from the dude who is buying my busted 3DS XL. Add $15 to that on Monday and I can get the 2DS that I found on Marketplace.

Nice. Real nice. 

Having gastro-rhinitis is no fun. That’s when your nose runs when you eat. Everytime I eat, my f-cking nose is like Niagara Falls. Lawd.

I see that Blackberry stocks are dropping sharply… idk, I kind of liked their Playbook.

I am addicted to TikTok. I like this one guy named Will Parfitt. He is fine. facebook dot com / willparfittTM

My mom saw a UFO last night. ◉_◉ She said her phone was acting all wonky afterwards.



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November 20, 2021

I didn’t even know Blackberry was still around.

And I want to hear more about the UFO. You tell her to call me (just kidding)

November 20, 2021

@heffay Yupp. It is. And I will. She was out in the backyard talking to my friend Anna, when this happened…