‘Rona be gone.. at least for awhile…

I got the fifth booster shot this morning. It didn’t hurt as the EMT told me to relax my arm and let it just hang, barely felt it. I just felt her put the bandaid on my arm. She was that efficient. 

Babycakes and Julie and I are going to Mercato-on-Main and eat there. I am having a buffalo chicken sammy with mozzarella sticks and a Diet Pepsi. I might buy some chips too.

I am looking forward to this. Every month, we are allowed to order out (twice this month bc of NYE) … 

I guess when Babycakes has her shower, then, I will take a nap. Or now…

xo Sammy

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November 28, 2022

A fifth booster?  I didn’t know there was such a thing — I’ve had my 3 vaxxes & 2 boosters.  Oh wait.  I guess 3 + 2 = 5, doesn’t it?  Duh.😬

November 28, 2022

@ghostdancer Aye. https://www.rexall.ca/covid-19/vaccines?utm_channel=PD&utm_source=SEM&utm_medium=Google&utm_campaign=ONFluPhase3&utm_content=CPC&gclid=Cj0KCQiA1ZGcBhCoARIsAGQ0kkquv62SqQ1DzfvlIwtanxkGkPrFvGYAPYxz_kXwRWT7hm2IvaVGg0YaAkaoEALw_wcB