Zombification levels are 90000!

Honestly today felt so soporific that I practically slept the day away. Total Ā šŸ§Ÿā€ā™€ļø šŸ§Ÿā€ā™‚ļø time. Iā€™m writing this on my iPad Air… I kind of lost track of that. I gave the mini to Bees to hold onto for safe keeping. Julie thought that I would be asleep b4 her, but I actually am still up.. and she is sawing logs… ha. Actually she has an appointment tomorrow, so it is good that she is sleeping now.Ā 

I am not up to much these days, just gaming, sleeping, listening to music. That sort of stuff…Ā 

i think šŸ¤” that I will hit the hay šŸ›..




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October 25, 2022

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