we think it up alone

oh god. my stomach is in a state of chaos. that normally happens when i am nervous or stressed. but everything is going pretty smoothly. i’m just in a state of anticipation, patiently waiting.
yesterday i broke my coveted bottle of absinthe…$50 soaked into an over absorbent carpet. sigh…luckily for a quick mind a my credit card the sistuation was remidied and the new bottle will arrive on Tuesday. my room reaked of anise(licorice) I think it is the nastiest smell known to man. ick! so i opened all the windows and febreezed the shit out of my room. sadly i left my windows open all day/evening…
so some very icky moths got inside. byt the time i realized my predicament everyone was asleep and i either had to sleep on the couch or tackle the moths myself. it was the first time i’ve ever had to battle them alone. i even called alexia to complain about it.
they got the febreeze as well. and the whole time i couldn’t help but wonder what they were thinking….fear? sadness?
when moths are being febreezed to death by a petrified teenager do they think about their families?
probabaly not, they don’t have mouths…and scare the shit out of me. so it really doesn’t matter what they think.
eww ewww ewww!
nothing else is going on. i’ll shower, eat dinner and read before bed.
what a boring life.
maybe a movie.

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April 30, 2006

What did the world do before Febreeze?